Battlezone Archives

You’re currently browsing the Battlezone news archives at Local Ditch Gaming. These are mostly site updates and answers to reader mail. Peruse to your enjoyment.

To see full the site, be sure to check out Local Ditch Gaming – Battlezone.

Questions Answered

As usual, if you contacted the site, in the last six months, you probably haven’t heard anything back. Good news, though: That all changes today. I’ve gone through and answered all the questions/comments/corrections to the site, so be sure check out the latest Q & A.

In other news, Pandemic Studios, responsible for the creation of Battlezone II, has officially closed its doors. Related to the subject, Pandemic’s Ken Miller, who programmed on 1998’s BZ is working on a 1.5 version patch to the game. You can check out the progress on Ken Miller’s blog or at the Forums.

Q & A – Answered

Cheap Bastard

Hi i love Battlezone but i cant find the game anywhere for free i got no money realy no money but i would like to play this game full version and i do not have a cd player on my pc so if you know someone or somewhere where i can download the full version game for free and where i do not need to subscribe to any thing i would surly love it if you can provide me with it. if you like this game and you would like to play with someone else and cant find player if i get the game ill be able to play with you or your friends if they are looking for a player.

There’s an old saying: “If you can’t afford it, then it’s not for you.” Honestly, a quick search would get you the results way faster than me. For a Battlezone site that is current and up-to-date, check out

Battlezone Woes

Can you believe I am just now playing this game. I am having two problems. One is upgrading to a new weapon I created. Tried just running the ship into it, but it will not pick it up. Of course I already have a limit of weapons. Figure I have to remove one somehow?

Also, I sometime need to gather info on something I find. I place the reticle over the subject and try the I key but nothing seems to happen. I have read to use the T-I key, seems more like it should be “Spacebar”-I key. At any rate, I have then been told of insubordination and game is ended for failing to achieve directives.

Make sure that weapon type matches the hardpoint that your ship has. If you’re in a Scout, for example, there are two hardpoints for a cannon. Trying to put a rocket in there is not going to work.

For the latter part of the question, I’m betting that this happens during mission 3. Be sure to turn the option for Strategy Help off. After that, just get the target reticule over the object, press “I” and you’re good to go.

Flattery will get you everywhere

Zzzz your site is sooo out of date..

CSA WTF it’s CCA Dummy!

Shit, you’re completely right. And the worst part of it all? It’s probably been like that for 10 years. The terminology is correct now, but as far as the rest of the Battlezone section being completely out of date: it’s just an archive at this point, so it’s going to stay that way.

What’s the motto?

I think this place needs a motto. How about, “Where all of your favorite dead games are buried: The Local Ditch.” Sounds good to me. It’s been a while since the last update and in the mean time, I’ve been working my way through the FreeSpace series and System Shock.

That doesn’t mean there aren’t things to add to the site. I’ve finally got the links fixed for some of the Battlezone II Wallpapers and there’s a another set of overhead maps from Kalle, this time for the Interstate ’76 Nitro Pack.

Battlezone II Downloads – Wallpapers fixed
Nitro Pack Downloads – Maps images added

Daylight Savings

A few days ago, I received an e-mail asking if I wanted to put some maps to the I ’76 levels on the site. After checking them out, the answer was a definite, “Yes,” so those are up on the site in the I ’76 Downloads and through the I ’76 walkthrough.

I went and cleaned up some the of I ’76 links last week and it seemed like I should do the same for the other sections of the site. So, the Battlezone and BZII sections have had all of the broken external links removed.

There are a few small changes to some pages on the SEGA section, but I can’t even recall what they are.

As usual, there’s some behind-the-scenes stuff as well, most of which isn’t noticeable.

Battlezone Links – Old links removed
Battlezone II Links – Old links removed
Interstate ’76 Downloads – I ’76 Maps added
Interstate ’76 Walkthrough – New maps for maze levels

Mapped Out

First update of the new year, and it brings some goods news: the Battle Zone map links finally work.

The nicest thing about paying for hosting is that there are no pop-up ads for any visiting the site. The next best thing? The near unlimited space that’s availabe. Yesterday, I added some of the harder-to-find files for games on this site. Today, I added the Battlezone maps. Now, years ago, the BZ Cartogrpher’s Guild was the first site to really review and push mapmaking, so I just hotlinked to them. They went under a few years back, so the links have been dead since then.

Fear not, for now the links are back and the files are hosted here, so as long as the site is up, you can download them.

Battlezone Maps – Links work