Mechwarrior Archives

You are viewing the Mechwarrior archives, full of news, updates, rants, rambles, questions, and comments about Mechwarrior.

If you’re looking for the complete site, with downloads, walkthroughs, game advice, codes, trivia, maps, and more, please go to Local Ditch Gaming – Mechwarrior.


Surprisingly good news has popped up, as it looks like a new Mechwarrior game will be announced shortly. Smith & Tinker had aquired the IP from Microsoft some time ago, and as I had mentioned then, there had to be a reason behind it.

According to Shack News, Piranha Studios is working on the new game. Should be fun to see where it goes…

In other sequel news, Deus Ex 3 has been noticably absent as of late. For whatever reason, I had convinced myself that the game would pop up in some form – screenshot, movie, demo – at this year’s E3, and even though I let myself sit through and watch it on G4, there was no mention of it whatsoever.

Stephane D’Astous of Eidos Montreal recently posted this cryptic message on his twitter account: “DX3 has never been so greenlight!” I’m assuming that it means some portion of the game has been given the go-ahead, and not that that Deus Ex 3 has been in limbo for the past several months. Either way, hopefully more info will be made available soon.


Just a quick update today: some new thoughts in the Mechwarrior section. This is something that I wrote back in January, but finally got up on the site.

Mechwarrior Thoughts – Now has content

More Clans

If you’ve an interest in the development of Mechwarrior 2 (or you’ve been following the site), then you probably know that at one point in time, the game’s original programmer, Eric Peterson, had his Mechwarrior 2 memoirs posted at his Port of Evil forums. These posts, along with all others before 2007, were unfortunately lost.

Good news, though. He has been reposting these at his planet E blog. It’s a fascinating tale and an inside look at how Mech2 came to be, so check it out.

It’s No Accident

This is a much larger update than I had originally anticipated it being. There’s new questions to be answered, new downloads, some behind-the-scenes tweaks, and best of all, that goddamn Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries Walkthrough is finally completed.

I feel like I’ve written a small novel about the game at this point. There’s a guide to get through every single scripted mission in the game. Hell, not even the official strategy guide (and especially not the guides on GameFAQs) do this. It’s a big relief to finally have it done, and in celebration, I’m going to sit back and just enjoy just playing through a few games.

Next on my list? Descent: FreeSpace, Tron 2.0, and Yakuza 2.

Interstate ’76 Links – Most (kind of) work now
News Archives – Old news archived
Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries Downloads – Game manuals added
Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries Walkthrough – Complete
Q&A – I ’76 Question answered, old pages archived

On a Tuesday?

Ok, there’s just a quick update for this wonderful Tuesday night: that Mercenaries walkthrough is getting closer to completion. It should look better and have info on most of the missions in the game. I’m still missing a few, but fear not, they’ll be added soon.

Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries Walkthrough – One step closer to completion

More Walkthrough Updates

Just a few more updates and polishes. Most are behind-the-scenes, with broken links fixed and an updated sitemap. The big change you may notice is that there’s now a site search listed above, via google. So, if you’re looking for something in particular, just run a search, and hopefully, it’ll get you straight there.

I’m still working on the Mercenaries Walkthrough and it’s improving every week. Most of the missions are up and the HTML formatting has been added. I’m hoping to finish it up in the next two or three weeks.

Also, the Heavy Gear codes page has been added.

Heavy Gear Codes – Page is up
Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries Walkthrough – HTML formatting added

Mechin’ Bacon

Good news, I guess? Lycos had some kind of deal go through at the last minute to “save” all of the sites they’d be shutting down, so my old address is still up. Don’t use it, though, just come straight here instead.

I’ve been working on Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries, and as promised, I’ve started on a walkthrough and added a strategy section. The Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries Strategy page is up and complete, so check it out.

The walkthrough, well, not so much, but you can get an idea of where it’s going by taking a look. Right now, there’s not really any HTML formatting, just exactly what I’ve got written in Notepad. If you’re thinking about writing a waltkthrough, it might be interesting to see how I piece this stuff together.

Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries Strategy – Page is up and complete
Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries Walkthrough – Page is up.