Q&A Archives

You’ve got questions, we’ve got advice that’ll deeply confuse you. Wait, that’s not right. Anyway, here’s the deal, if there’s a question about the site, about the games on the site, about games I’ve talked about on the site, about the world, or if you feel like threatening me in the form of a question, just contact me and I’ll answer it here.

Note that I may correct spelling errors.

‘Rhana Paint

Hello, I was wondering if you could kinda give me some input or opinion on this idea I’ve been planning. I’m planning on building a 1/24 1970 barracuda with slight adjustments to make the body more like the “Picard Piranha,” which should go over well, but I haven’t yet been
able to plan out the paint, Because in the game it has 2 black lines and the 1 on each side that leads up to the engine size (432) But from some research I have found that the black stripes (Across the hood and trunk) were not on the barracudas (that everyone says the car is designed after) and that the 1970 only had the dotted line like the green version of the car.

But here is my main question, do you know of the cars they used as inspiration for the proper line on the side of the car, because it stretches up and over the back a little bit, I was planning to take the dotted one and paint it in a solid line and then add my own line on the way up but I fear my hand painting wont be good enough, so I was wondering if you knew more about this paint job, Thank you. 🙂

I don’t believe that the orange and black Piranha paintjob is an exact replica, but instead just inspired by a ‘Cuda. So, just grab some screenshots from the game and base it on that.

Now, painting the line by hand is probably not the best way to approach it. Instead, you’ll want to mask the area with some tape. That should provide much better and straighter lines.

Be sure to send some pictures when the model is done.

Ma… Something Like This

I’m releasing a huge torrent of all the music ripped from the game (including first edition/gold edition/nitro pack/OST). However, I am really stuck with the demo.

I have all the demo songs except 1 (Ma… Something Like This), and I’ve emailed everybody trying to find it. I’ve emailed 3eb’s agent who has not gotten back to me since Jan. I’ve spammed random people who have recently listened to the missing track on last.fm (https://www.last.fm/music/Bullmark/_/MaSomethingLike), and I have emailed some old email accounts that were owned by Arion himself (all dead).

I did get in contact with David Shul (awesome guitarist) a loooong time ago, however, I tried emailing him recently but all of his email accounts are now dead :c

Every link I have chased have been a dead end and it has become very frustrating just to find the missing song.

My question is, would you happen to have the missing track? Or even better, would you know someone who has the real CD? I’d love to rip it to FLACs.

3EBMedia.co.uk, a third Eye Blind fan site, has all of the Bullmark demos available for download.

Scratch that, rewind. I’ve just uploaded a torrent with all the music including the missing demo song everybody has been raving about in your guestbook. I have spent more then 2 years collecting everything for this torrent. All songs are in MP3, FLAC and OGG. All are tagged!

You can download it here: https://btjunkie.org/torrent/Interstate-76-Soundtracks-FLAC-V8-MP3-V0-OGG-Q8/3676539a3e8eec15b5143cce0a7b16d210ff735328b8


Jumps Ahoy

In response addition to Stick Ramp Situation:

I recently bought Interstate 76 through GOG.

I have the same problem, but I slowed the CPU down 75% using CPUKiller and STILL cannot make the jump. I hate to use the cheat code and am concerned that similar problems will occur later in the game.Any further advice to what you gave before ??BTW, amazing to find this information at all – what a service you provide !!

I’m a bit saddened to hear that this problem is still in the GOG release of the game. They usually do a very good job of getting the older games up to speed on newer systems, but it seems I ’76 fell through the cracks.

Unfortunately, I don’t really have any other advice. You may encounter similar issues throughout the game. But on a positive note, the last time I played through I ’76, this was the only level where I had to use a cheat code. All of the others may have been a bit buggy, but they’d eventually work correctly.

Max Damage

How in Hell did you get all of the statistics for the weapons, especially the damage values? The Brady Games Interstate ’76 Game Guide does not have all of the data in your tables. Great job!

Thanks to your site I was able to get my complete copy of the Bullmark Demo CD.

I have a small Web site dedicated to automotive combat games. There are a few files on it that should interest Interstate ’76 fans.

Are you interested in hosting the original Interstate ’76 wallpapers that were available on the Activision Web site in 1997? I uploaded them to my Web site last month. You are welcome to host them on The Local Ditch Gaming Emporium, permitting me to use the space for other files.

Seattle Washington Autoduel Team Headquarters (SWAT HQ)

SWAT HQ – Burning Rubber Interstate ’76 RPG

SWAT HQ – Automotive Combat Desktop Themes and Wallpapers

Drive Offensively!

Thanks for the message. In short, I took the values from the long-gone SuiCyco’s Speed Shop – a site that knew what they were doing. But in all seriousness, parts of the values were originally taken from the Interstate ’76 manual and the damage values were discovered with a little bit of hex editing.

Also, thanks for the I ’76 wallpapers. They’re up on the site now for anyone who wants to put some funky cheer on their desktop.

Good Old News

Interstate 76 was just released on Good Old Games (gog.com), so there might be some renewed interest in the game. Just wanted to drop you a line and say I’m pleased to find an archive with some bits of the best community stuff from the golden age of the game. Articles from Sui’s Speed Shop, utilities from the AVA, it all brings back fond memories.


(Original author of the weapon comparison chart on SSS, former head of the AVA.)

It’s great to hear that I ’76 has made its way over to GOG. It also explains the recent spike in traffic to this site. I’m always glad to recognize an old name from the I ’76 community, even if I wasn’t too active in it myself.

And for those that are fans of the Speed Shop (which was by far my favorite I ’76 site), someone has reposted it in its near-entirety over here: Sui’s Speed Shop.

Polygonal Pin-Up

I tried to download the I’76 desktop theme from this site, but the link was broken. Are you able to send it to me by mail?

Would look awesome on my newly set-up retro-rig 🙂

Thanks for informing me about the broken link. It’s up on the site now and the download should work fine.