Q&A Archives
You’ve got questions, we’ve got advice that’ll deeply confuse you. Wait, that’s not right. Anyway, here’s the deal, if there’s a question about the site, about the games on the site, about games I’ve talked about on the site, about the world, or if you feel like threatening me in the form of a question, just contact me and I’ll answer it here.
Note that I may correct spelling errors.
ive been looking for sometime now on how maybe i can run my battlezone i downloaded in a torrent file. It works ok when i mount the image but at the main menu of the game, it tells me to insert a cd. any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Please visit battlezone1.net.
how do you edit a mission
Obviously, this is a Battlezone related question. Rather than answer it myself and pretend I know what I’m talking about, I’m just going to link to the first relevant thing that I found: https://www.scritube.com/limba/engleza/technical/BATTLEZONE-The-MultiPlayer-Map427111420.php.
I have the same disk as you and tried following your instructions, but I couldn’t get it to work. I need help with the glide. How do I configure it? Also, I could only get my hands on the beta 2 version…
Ok, first question: Can you run Mechwarrior 2 in Windows without applying any of the Glide patches? If you can’t, then be sure to get the game working. After that, copy over the 3dfx files. To install dgvoodoo, just copy its files into the Mechwarrior 2 directory. As far as the particular options go, play with them a bit and see what types of effects they may have on your system.
I’m offering no guarantees that this’ll work for anyone else. But, I did manage to get the game running that way and maybe someone else out there can use the info as, if no other reason, a starting point.
The servers.dat file you have is an old one. The most current servers.dat file can be found at https://www.bz911.com/anet2/servers.dat. It contains the 5 operational anet servers available today.
Thanks for the heads-up. I’ve changed the links on this site so that they now point directly to the bz911 servers.dat file, in order to make sure everyone gets the latest version
Is there a version or a patch that will let me play the original version on vista 64? I have had this game since it came out and thought I would love to play it again.
The biggest hurdle is getting the game to install. Be sure to check out the Interstate ’76 FAQ – Installation Issues to find the solution.
Hey there, nice page. I for one am a huge fan of the game (see this site and I really enjoyed reading through your stuff.
One thing I stumbled upon is the fact, that the interview with Zach Norman is actually with Sean Vesce. 🙂
Oh, and maybe you can answer me, what the aliens in the UFO are saying during the cutscene? In exchange I can tell you, that it’s “Oktoberfest”, not Oktober-Fett. It’s an annual Beerfest in Germany and I would never attend it, but hey, it’s famous. 🙂
Glad to hear you’ve enjoyed the site. Good call on the I ’76 interview. The page has been corrected.
I’ve got no clue what the aliens are saying.
As for Oktoberfest/Oktober Fett, it’s quite possible that I’ve been hearing the name incorrectly for the past decade. Of course, it does make sense that a German-accented character would choose a name after the world-renown festival.
Hi i love Battlezone but i cant find the game anywhere for free i got no money realy no money but i would like to play this game full version and i do not have a cd player on my pc so if you know someone or somewhere where i can download the full version game for free and where i do not need to subscribe to any thing i would surly love it if you can provide me with it. if you like this game and you would like to play with someone else and cant find player if i get the game ill be able to play with you or your friends if they are looking for a player.
There’s an old saying: “If you can’t afford it, then it’s not for you.” Honestly, a quick search would get you the results way faster than me. For a Battlezone site that is current and up-to-date, check out Battlezone1.net.