Q&A Archives

You’ve got questions, we’ve got advice that’ll deeply confuse you. Wait, that’s not right. Anyway, here’s the deal, if there’s a question about the site, about the games on the site, about games I’ve talked about on the site, about the world, or if you feel like threatening me in the form of a question, just contact me and I’ll answer it here.

Note that I may correct spelling errors.

Sticky Ramp Situation

Hey I actually just found this website and also I just signed up for the forums, but just incase it takes a bit for my registration to go through on the forums, I thought I’d try here too. This is actually regarding the game. I am on mission 5 where you have to jump the bridge to meet skeeter. I follow all directions and even followed the youtube videos I found. BUT everytime I hit the stinking ramp my car slows down to a crawl and i miss the jump every time. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I hit the nitros and floor it perfectly straight for the ramp. HELP ME!! haha I’m glad I found this website. I used to play this game many many years ago and I just recently obtained the game.

Wait, you signed up for the forums? There aren’t any forums on this site…

But on to your question: The physics in I ’76 are out-of-whack on most modern computers. It appears that some of the weapons and handling are based on the computer’s processor speed, so things like the e-brake, flame throwers, and unfortunately, ramps, just don’t work right.

To get around this, use a program to slow down or throttle down your system. Or, even better, if you’ve got an older computer collecting dust, just play it on that. If that still doesn’t work, just use the “Getdown” code to skip to the next level.

Awesome Charger

I’m sure you know about the car that Activision was giving away back when I ’76 first came out, but no one really heard of what happened to it…

Well I found the exact same one! The full history can be found at the 1970 Charger Registry.

Awesome information. Thanks very much for spreading the word on this piece of I ’76 history.

Special Request

I was wondering if you would consider making a fool-proof instruction on how to connect the bz server? After reading quite much about the topic, I honestly still have no idea what to do to play I 76 on-line.

There are really two issues at play here: The first is that very few people are actually playing I ’76 online anymore. The second is that you can’t connect to a server unless you have a direct internet connection. From what I’ve heard, playing behind a router will not work, although I haven’t verified this personally.

To answer your question directly: I don’t plan on creating a guide on how to run I ’76 online.

Battlezone Woes

Can you believe I am just now playing this game. I am having two problems. One is upgrading to a new weapon I created. Tried just running the ship into it, but it will not pick it up. Of course I already have a limit of weapons. Figure I have to remove one somehow?

Also, I sometime need to gather info on something I find. I place the reticle over the subject and try the I key but nothing seems to happen. I have read to use the T-I key, seems more like it should be “Spacebar”-I key. At any rate, I have then been told of insubordination and game is ended for failing to achieve directives.

Make sure that weapon type matches the hardpoint that your ship has. If you’re in a Scout, for example, there are two hardpoints for a cannon. Trying to put a rocket in there is not going to work.

For the latter part of the question, I’m betting that this happens during mission 3. Be sure to turn the option for Strategy Help off. After that, just get the target reticule over the object, press “I” and you’re good to go.

Flattery will get you everywhere

Zzzz your site is sooo out of date..

CSA WTF it’s CCA Dummy!

Shit, you’re completely right. And the worst part of it all? It’s probably been like that for 10 years. The terminology is correct now, but as far as the rest of the Battlezone section being completely out of date: it’s just an archive at this point, so it’s going to stay that way.

Funky Tunes

Hey there, do you know where I can snag the Bullmark Demo at? I remember coming across it years ago on ArionSalazar.com (Cached page with inactive download links here https://web.archive.org/web/20020814051207/www.arionsalazar.com/audio_bullmark.html) but I foolishly didn’t download it.

I’m in the exact same boat as you. I remember Arion Salazar’s home page from a while back with all of the tunes on there, but I didn’t download them either. Luckily enough for the both of us, some Third Eye Blind fans have them posted. Follow the link to get the Bullmark demos.

No April Fool

just installed my old original Interstate 76 on Winxp…after installing the gold patch the game language changes completely from german to english…i remember that there is a way to rechange that, but i forgot how…i found nothing relevant on the internet…

Any hints?

I hate to say it, but I have no idea. If anyone out there has the solution, let me know and I’ll get it on the site.