Q&A Archives
You’ve got questions, we’ve got advice that’ll deeply confuse you. Wait, that’s not right. Anyway, here’s the deal, if there’s a question about the site, about the games on the site, about games I’ve talked about on the site, about the world, or if you feel like threatening me in the form of a question, just contact me and I’ll answer it here.
Note that I may correct spelling errors.
You seemed to have overlooked https://interstate76.com.
Fear not, it hasn’t been overlooked. To the contrary, I’ve been linking to your site for a few years now, albeit through the Interstate ’76 FAQ instead of on the links page.
I know there’s not many active I ’76 sites left, so if anyone out there has one and they’d like to trade links, just contact The Local Ditch and I’ll get it up on the site somewhere. The only thing that I ask is that you link back here in return.
I just so happened to stumble upon this site while I was googling HG2 + Battlezone. Now I can’t help, but remember the last time I was here I was following a link from the last HG2 server that was up.
Were you guys the one who maintained the HG2 server for all these years?
Glad you found the site again. To answer the question: No, I’m not responsible for anything to do with the last A-net server (besides telling people where it is). It’s being run by some Battlezone players at BZ 911. Click on this link for the Anet Server Stats.
Hey there. I just happened to come across a demo of Vigilante 8 on my friend’s Xbox 360 the other day. It reminded me of all the fun I had playing I’76 so I found a copy on the internet and I’m trying to install it on my Vista operating system. Have you heard of anyone succeeding it doing this? Should I just try the same fix as XP installation (trying over and over again) or is this just a futile attempt to get back to my gaming routes?
I ’76 can indeed run on Vista. The game can be installed by manually copying its data to the hard disk. For more information, please check the Interstate ’76 FAQ.
Hi I was scrolling through the internet when i came across a load of I’82 PRE-RELEASE picture’s on ING.com I will send the 2 most interesting one’s if you want them thanks i just need to know your email address.:) Interstate 76/82 rocks!!!!
Yeah, send them my way. I tried to e-mail you back, but the address was invalid. I’m guessing you mean IGN, so they shouldn’t be too hard to find.
(2010 Update: I never did hear back from this person.)
Two questions: I have played I 76 substituting melee variants in trip mode, but have forgotten how. Do you know? My last few computers have not been able to use flame throwers in I76. They don’t useable range, and they flicker. Is there any solution to this problem. Thank you.
It’s been years, but if I remember correctly, you’ll want to copy one of your variants and overwrite the file used for the trip missions. It might’ve been necessary to do this inside of a hex editor.
If anyone out there remembers, please let me know.
The flamethrower weapons were shaky enough in the first place, but they don’t work correctly on modern computers due to their faster speeds. You can try using a program that throttles down the processor speed.
Is there any way to raise the resolution above 640×480 under direct3D?
Not in D3D. Either use the software mode where it can be raised to 1024×768 or find a glide wrapper. More info can be found in the I ’76 FAQ.
I’m glad to see someone actually STILL has a fan site out there for I76! I reently reinstalled it on my WinXP PC, and have been blowing crap up in instant-bot-melee battles.
Its been about 10 years, but I used to spend hours at night (and day) hacking and playing this game online. I would love to try my hand at some hacks and paint jobs again, just for old times. I remeber there used to be all kinds of crazy modifications you could do through a Hex Editor, I think my editor of choice at the time was Hex32 or something like that.
Anyway, I have lost all my printed copies of tutorials to hack the car stats. Oddly enough, you can’t even find references to them online. All the sites were long gone before Google was around caching them into memory.
Do you have any of the old txt or word documents on how to do that stuff anymore? There used to be a car that went (to scale) like 0-300MPH in a second… but you had to have the tuning just so to get it to work. There were also monster tires and ways to place several turrets on any one car.
I am able to play the Gold Edition of I76 in D3D (I think at 800×600 only), but can’t get Nitro to play in anything other than software at 1024×768. Is it possible to play Nitro in D3D too?
Hope you get this!
Thanks for the comments. I remember Hack ’76 used to be a pretty popular program for a while, but unfortunately, I don’t have any of the files for it. A quick Google search brought up a few pages with some I ’76 hacks, but not too much info. I hope these links help:
As far as playing Nitro in D3D, I thought it used the same engine and patches as the I ’76 Gold Edition, so if one works, the other should. The resolution is locked at 640×480, if I recall correctly. You might have to turn off certain options on your graphics card driver to get it to work. I’m sorry that I can’t really say anything definite. If I come across an answer, I’ll try to get it up on the site.