Q&A Archives

You’ve got questions, we’ve got advice that’ll deeply confuse you. Wait, that’s not right. Anyway, here’s the deal, if there’s a question about the site, about the games on the site, about games I’ve talked about on the site, about the world, or if you feel like threatening me in the form of a question, just contact me and I’ll answer it here.

Note that I may correct spelling errors.

More Road to Cover

I started thinking of my good ol’ i76 gaming days, and it took a while for my to come out of my daydreams…honestly, I think it would be a good game to this date and I would love to see activision raising the game from the dead by making a true prequel, with the feel of i76 TRIP. The trip was in my opinion one of the best computer game experiences I have ever had. Anyways, so activision would be afraid of losing money, but what if they, were innovative and used more or less the same game engine, saving shitloads of money and only using money on development of missions and story etc. It would be a cheap affair for Activision, it would almost make sure that the original atmosphere of the game remained and if a fan community is involved in the planning stages for important input it could truly become a great game.

aaaaahh…I love to dream pleasant dreams. But, do you think there is any posibility that activision would let do something like this? (how much I would like to drive that beloved Picard Pirahna once more)

Unfortunately, it’s not going to happen. I’m sure at this point, Activision is done with the Interstate series. Even though it would be great to see another game, I just can’t imagine it happening.

I ’76 XP Installation Woes

Hi, I was wondering if you had any information about getting Interstate 76 to install under XP. At the moment SETUP.EXE manages to extract itself no problem, but when the installation process begins and it determines what system its being installed on it refuses. Ive tried every possible kind of compatibility mode and a few other things besides.Any help would be very much appreciated. Cheers.

It seems that I ’76 has installation problems with the original disc. Be sure to check out the FAQ.


Your guestbook is example of middle-class guestbooks. Congratulation!
I’ll show your site and guestbook to my friends


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I ’76 Downloads

I just stumbled onto the site today (12-11-06) and noticed that some of the I’76 files are still active! So I got the patch from probably the only available server on the internet. Thanks a lot 🙂 Everything else is dead, though, and I mean, it’s a little late to be looking for files for I’76 but I wondered if you could fix some of the links on this site? Activision decided to totally drop support of their older games, as I’m sure you know. Anyway, glad to see some remnant of my classic games still around, even if it’s only by the good graces of Lycos.

Enjoy the holidays.

I’m trying to get things back up. Maybe I can piece some things back together.

Fungi Power

I’m a die-hard (read dying hard) fan of Interstate ’76. I have the orginal discs of the game. The old ones for Windows 95, where the install disc has the Mech Warrior 2 Demo and some video previews of A-10 Cuba, etc (Thats all I remember). Now, both discs have a problem. There is some sort of ‘fungus’ or something that has eaten through the reflective surface on the top of the discs. There are these ‘plant root’ like formations that are transparent. And the discs are unreadable.

If I’m not asking much, let me know if there is someone who can help with this. Or give/sell a copy of the game ? I need the old one for Windows 95 as I found that it does not have any installation problems like the Win 98 version. Please help ! I’m dying to blow up some Creepers. Please help !

Ouch. I do have a lonesome copy of an I ’76 Disc 1 sitting around, but a much better thing to do would be to go to GameTap and download I ’76. Sure, it costs a couple of bucks, but it’s the easiest way to find the game.

(2010 Update: Even better than GameTap is GOG.

Hot Copy, Indeed

I guess the chances that anyone will recieve this are slim, and even if you are reading it now, I have a feeling that the chances for you to give me a url to a pirated copy of I76 are slim aswell. But I don’t really think I have anything to loose, so If you are reading this. And you happen to know of someone that has the entire game uploaded somewhere, or you have the game and could upload it somewhere, please let me know, because I have lost the original cd and finding a vendor that carries a ten year old game isn’t that easy…

2010 Update: You’re right, I won’t be pointing to illegal methods for obtaining the game. The good news, though, is that it’s available at GOG for a few bucks.

Name That Tune

I recently dug up my old I76 cd and ripped the badass funky music to mp3. I don’t know what the track names are! Can you help a brotha’ out?

Coming your way – I ’76 track names.