Heavy Gear

Local Ditch Gaming > Heavy Gear

Heavy Gear

The Latest:

More Heavy. More Gear.

Here’s one to add to the list of things I didn’t anticipate for 2025: I replayed Heavy Gear II, got inspired, then decided to rework the Heavy Gear II site.

Every time I replay this game, there’s a huge adjustment period for me. Especially, I think, jumping into it right after Mechwarrior II was a mistake. Gears are not slow and tank-like. Instead, they rely on speed, maneuverability, stealth, and most importantly of all: not getting hit. My first re-playthrough was rough. So, I did it again and it was much more enjoyable the second time around. And with that, I’ve shared all my new and relearned knowledge of Heavy Gear II on the site.

There are tons of updates on the Heavy Gear II section of Local Ditch Gaming; basically every page has been reworked, redone, updated, and filled with new, relevant info.

The install guide, walkthrough, and weapons table are some the highlights. Update Specifics

Heavy Gear

Heavy Gear

  • Downloads - Looking for the lost beta patch? Find it here.
  • Codes - A little help to get you through the game
Heavy Gear 2

Heavy Gear II

  • Installation Guide - How to run Heavy Gear 2 on Windows 10 and up
  • Downloads - Compatibility fixes, maps, server files, and more
  • Walkthrough - A guide through the single player campaign missions
  • Weapons - Weapons chart detailing damage, range, and other weapons stats
  • Strategy - Tips for battling other Gears
  • Pre-release Pictures - A gallery of screeshots and images showing differences in the game before it was released
  • Screenshots - Pictures, images, and visuals for Heavy Gear II
  • Gears - Information and stats for various gears in the game
  • Characters - Bio and background for your fellow gear pilots
  • Codes - Cheats, easter eggs, etc.
  • Story - A brief look at the game's setting and story
  • Requirements - Minimum requirements for retro PCs
Heavy Gear Other

The Rest

  • Links - Other Heavy Gear related pages
  • Q&A - Possible questions, potential answers
  • Contact - Reach out and drop me a line