Comments and Responses

  1. Hello, Im trying to get a facebook page going for fans of interstate 76/82
    Just looking for some publicity for it really lol

    And I dont really know wheres best to post it so my solution is to just post it everywhere ๐Ÿ˜€

    -Andre on
  2. Hey Remeber Me ? ๐Ÿ˜‰ My name is DJ_Edyo and i am the founder of the Interstateโ€™76 Vigilanteโ€™s association !

    we have a game patch that works And Limit The FPS in Softwaire Mode and we can play online !

    Have a nice day ! DJ_Edyo Out!

    -DJ_Edyo on
  3. Believe it or not, there’s a stable patch for Nitro Pack for Internet play behind a router.

    It was released earlier this month and proving to be quite a success.

    Drive by and check out the latest…

    -Lightfoot [FD] on
  4. So relieved, that I am not the onlyone, who is thinkin back to old times somewhere in the southwest…

    -Jodka on

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