Layers of Paint

Mechwarrior Hunchback Cockpit Concept

Hey, Local Ditch Gaming looks different. Or rather, it will very soon. For now, you’ll have to settle for just the Mechwarrior section.

Yesterday, the Mechwarrior section received a a new splash of paint. I’ve been working on something a bit more modern for a while now, and I think I’ve got a nice look that should last for a bit.

For a while, I’ve been wanting to get a more uniform look for the site. The news and I ’76 section were already blended a bit, while the Mechwarrior branch had some commonalities with the two.

I’ll probably get the I ’76 section to match the new look next, then get the front page up to snuff. After that, my plan is to get the Deus Ex and Heavy Gear sections matching.

Also, I’d like to get some MWO online info up. I’ve been playing the thing since June of last year, so you’d think it’d be about time for me to ramble on about the game. Should be happening soon.

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