Visioneering the Past
Q&A: An old Interstate ’76er and former Activision beta tester stops by, looking for fellow auto-combat enthusiasts.
Hello. I found your page about I’76 recently. I was a minor-to-prominent member of its online community back in the day, and an Activision “Visioneer” at the time. I helped beta test the Nitro Pack. I’m getting old these days and longing for memories of the past. If you would like to discuss the old game sometime, or know of the whereabouts of any of the members of the old “gangs” that I could renew ties with, that’d be great. Regardless, was a pleasure to find your page, so few people remember this old game, and the few that do are tasteless suckers that prefer the likes of Twisted Metal and the abysmal Vigilante 8. I tested that game too… I told Activision exactly what I thought about it as well, they didn’t send me games any more after that B-) Anyway, I’ve rambled enough. Thanks.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the kind words! As far as finding people online, is still kicking around. Oddly enough, a post on I’76 hacks here at Local Ditch Gaming seems to have become an impromptu talk about the old days, with some of the old community names dropping by and sharing their stories.