BattleZone Planets
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A list of all of the planets in the game. Take your pick:
Luna | Mars | Venus | Europa | Io | Titan | Achilles

Luna (Earth's Moon)
The Moon's close proximity makes it by far the most likely candidate for NSDF exploration. Most of the debris that hit Earth burned up in the atmosphere. There is strong reason to believe that it holds a far greater supply. When the shower hit the moon, the debris landed on its dark side, so we can only guess at what it hides.
Exploiting the moon's resources would require three moon bases. A mining base at the northern polle. The polar base would provide continuouus exposure to the sun and an ample amount of solar generated power. Lunar rocks contain about 40% oxygen and could be mined for environmental systems.
There is also the possiblity that a small region near the perpetually shaded southern pole hides a frozen resservoir or water ice. If true, this may warrent a forth facility.
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Position: |
Satellite of Earth |
Distance from Sun: |
1 Astronomical Units |
Distance from Earth: |
384,400 Kilometers |
Surface Gravity: |
0.166 |
Surface Composition: |
Basaltic Rock |
Atmospheric Pressure: |
0 Bar |
Surface Tempeture: |
(Light side) 107 Celsius (dark side) -153 Celsius |
Axis Rotation: |
Static |
Sun Orbit Period: |
365.26 Days |
Earth Orbit Period: |
27.32 Days |
Diameter: |
3476 Kilometers |
The atmosphere of Mars is characterized by extensive haze and fog, and is often further clouded by dust storms. Like Earth, Mars has seasons that result from its oblique rotational axis. The atmosphere is primarily composed of carbon dioxide, with limited amounts of nitrogen, argon, and water vapor.
We have not detected any magnetic field on mars, which leads us to believe there is no metallic core.
Satellite imagery and extensive surveying teams have reported that Mars has vast cratering like Earths moon in addition to cracked lava beds with sheer cliffs that drop down into deep valleys. This cratering leads us believe that the planet could contain additional reserves of bio-metal.
A massive volcano, the Olympus mons, is the largest in the solor system with a diameter of 550 kilometers and a height of 27 kilometers. Teams have not delivered confirmation on weather or not the volcano is active, yet pilots are warned that volcanic activity could acccur and would provide a signeficant hazard.
Mars' topography and maze-like world would require special instrumentation to navigate. Negotiating riverbeds and cliffs would pose grave danger to navigating the planet's surface.
In all, we believe that Mars is a solid candidate for further NSDF investigation. Its relatively close proximity to Earth and hospitablle environment in addition to the evidence of cratering makes this our second choice for colonization.
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Position: |
Forth planet from the Sun |
Distance from Sun: |
1.5 Astronomical Units |
Distance from Earth: |
56 Million Kilometers |
Surface Gravity: |
0.377 |
Surface Composition: |
Basaltic Rock and Solid Carbon Dioxide (Dry Ice) |
Atmospheric Pressure: |
.007 Bar |
Surface Tempeture: |
-23 Celsius |
Axis Rotation: |
1.03 |
Sun Orbit Period: |
686.98 Days |
Diameter: |
6794 Kilometers |
Named after the Roman Goddess of love fore its brilliant glow. Venus holds no physical resemblance to its namesake. The planet is one of the harshest environments amongst our candidates. Although Venus is a near twin in shape and mass to Earth as well as being the closest planet, its atmosphere will make exploiting any bio-metal reserves difficult.
Nonetheless, its proximity and likelihood of containing bio-metal deposits keep it on the top half of the list.
Venus' atmosphere of carbon dioxide and think cloud cover of highly concentrated sulfuric acid cause an intense greenhouse effect. Although not much light penetrates the dense atmosphere, what does make it through is reradiaded as infared light, resulting in the intense heat on the planet's surface, far exceeding that of any other planet or moon in the solar system.
The atmosphere is also extremely dense, the equivalent of about 1 kilometer below Earth's oceans. The severe pressure will require special structural engineering in order to avoid being crushed. While Venus' upper atmosphere is characterized by strong winds, its lower atmosphere is relatively calm. Regardless, we should be able to generate sufficent lightning power due to intence electrical activity on Venus.
Trace amounts of water vapor have been found in the environment and could be tapped in order to help sustain life on Venus' surface. For the most part however, establishing a mining base on Venus will require imposting all life-sustaining resources from other locales.
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Position: |
Second planet from the Sun |
Distance from Sun: |
.7 Astronomical Units |
Distance from Earth: |
42 Million Kilometers |
Surface Gravity: |
0.907 |
Surface Composition: |
Basaltic Rock and Molten Lava |
Atmospheric Pressure: |
92 Bar |
Surface Tempeture: |
460 Celsius |
Axis Rotation: |
243 |
Sun Orbit Period: |
224.7 Days |
Diameter: |
12,103.6 Kilometers |
Europa appers calm and tranquil, in a sharp contrast to the rough, cratered surfaces spread throughout the rest of the solar system. This is because Europa consists almost entirely of water ice, making it an ideal destination. The ice would provide bounless resources as well as a clear canvas for locating bio-metal.
Even more exciting, Europa did at one time and may still have active volcanos that shoot warmer ice flows [spotted two weeks ago by Galilao satellite] from beneath the surface. Evidence of a heated center naturally suggests that the ice may melt at some depth, flowing freely within the moons interior. This would make Europa the only other celestrial body in our solar system with liquid water, and a leading contender for bearing life, albeit far from our view.
Though lacking the destinct advantages and engineering opportunities held by Luna, mars, and Titan, Europa is a relatively safe gamble for finding and acquiring bio-metal with little environmental hazard.
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Position: |
Satellite or Jupiter |
Distance from Sun: |
5.2 Astronomical Units |
Distance from Earth: |
630 Million Kilometers |
Surface Gravity: |
0.135 |
Surface Composition: |
Water Ice |
Atmospheric Pressure: |
0 Bar |
Surface Tempeture: |
-152 Celsius |
Axis Rotation: |
Static |
Sun Orbit Period: |
4332.71 Days |
Saturn Orbit Period: |
3.55 Days |
Diameter: |
3138 Kilometers |
Initially promising for its colorful surface, researchers later discovered that Io's apperent tranquillity is, in actuality, evidence of its inhospitable and potenially maddening nature. Scattered across the moon's frozen surface, dozens of active valcanos spout molten sulfur from the core, sending it hundreds of kilometers into space.
Once cooled, the sulfur pours back down like snow, forever resurfacing the terrain with the otherwise harmless substance. This condition could prove a costly and time-consuming irritation for the colonists. Significant measures would need to be taken to avoid our facilities and equiptment from being buried.
Fortunately, a few other options have been suggested by our engineers. While sulfur is far more sedentary than water, they claim that an adequate drainage system could be fitted at a minimal cost. Similar in concept to the conventional drain pipes used for rain, lets of liquid would sysle through them to simulate movement.
Our chemists have offered another solution. By applying a layer of a corrosive compound, they believe they can dissolve the sulfur on contact and without consequence. Both of these techniques are unnproven as yet, but I assure you this issue is being addressed.
Aside from this annoyance, the only factors that are less than ideal are Io's enormous distance from Earth, its bitter cold temperatures, and its lack of life-sustaining resources. The first two conditions Io shares with its sibling conteneder, Europa, and are even more pressing for the remote moon of Titan.
A final concern: bases would need to be established far from the equator on Io. It is caught in a three-way tug-of-war between the gravitational pulls of Europa, Ganymede, and Jupiter. This forces an unstable tidal current on the moon's outer layer which can bend and stretch its width by as much as 100 meters.
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Position: |
Satellite or Jupiter |
Distance from Sun: |
5.2 Astronomical Units |
Distance from Earth: |
630 Million Kilometers |
Surface Gravity: |
0.183 |
Surface Composition: |
Sulfur |
Atmospheric Pressure: |
0 Bar |
Surface Tempeture: |
-143 Celsius |
Axis Rotation: |
Static |
Sun Orbit Period: |
4332.71 Days |
Saturn Orbit Period: |
1.77 Days |
Diameter: |
3630 Kilometers |
At the far end of technological feasibility, a journey to Titan would require efficiency in storage and preparation that may be beyond our means. Though if it were possible, the reward would be the most manageable and self sustaining non-terrestrial environment in out solar system.
Observations of Titan's nitrogen-heavy atmosphere suggest that the moon is a close mirror or Earth before the first organismms began producing oxygen. In fact, its hydrocarbon rich elements are the building blocks for amina acids, vital to the formation of life.
Power resources on this moon consist primarily of lighning and wind. However, clouds of methanne in the upper atmosphere could easily be converted into natual gas. With some modifications to our equipment, this could provide the bulk of our power.
Unfortunately, the same methane clouds are exaggerated versions of what is known on earth as smog. Covering the moon completely, they prohibit any further insight into Titan's compostion.
Also woth noting is the concern that Titan's distance from Earth decreases its likelihood of being hit by the meteor shower. The trip would be a major undertaking, and could very well prove fruitless.
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Position: |
Satelilite of Saturn |
Distance from Sun: |
9.6 Astronomical Units |
Distance from Earth: |
1290 Million Kilometers |
Surface Gravity: |
0.38 |
Surface Composition: |
Water Ice and Rock |
Atmospheric Pressure: |
1.5 Bar |
Surface Tempeture: |
-180 Celsius |
Axis Rotation: |
Static |
Sun Orbit Period: |
10,759.5 Days |
Saturn Orbit Period: |
15.95 Days |
Diameter: |
5150 Kilometers |
Achilles is a mysterious moon that circles distant Uranus. Little is known about it because from Earth's vantage point the moon is always obscured by the planet Uranus itself.
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Position: |
Unknown |
Distance from Sun: |
Unknown |
Distance from Earth: |
Unknown |
Surface Gravity: |
Unknown |
Surface Composition: |
Unknown |
Atmospheric Pressure: |
Unknown |
Surface Tempeture: |
Unknown |
Axis Rotation: |
Unknown |
Sun Orbit Period: |
Unknown |
Diameter: |
Unknown |
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