Deus Ex Skills

Local Ditch > Deus Ex > Skills

Untrained: An agent can use terminals to read bulletins and news. 0
Trained: An agent can hack ATMs, computers, and security consoles. (50% from ATM machines) 1125
Advanced: An agent achieves a moderate increase in detection countdowns and a moderate decrease in lockout times, as well as gaining the ability to control automated gun turrets. (100% from ATM machines) 2250
Master: An agent is an elite hacker that few systems can withstand.  (150% from ATM machines) 3750
Untrained An agent can bypass security systems. (10% Mulitool) 0
Trained The efficiency with which an agent bypasses security increases slightly. (25% Mulitool) 1800
Advanced: The efficiency with which an agent bypasses security increases moderately. (40% Multitool) 3600
Master: An agent encounters almost no security systems of any challenge. (75% Multitool) 6000
Untrained: An agent can use hazmat suits, ballistic armor, thermoptic camo, and rebreathers.
Trained: Armor, suits, camo, and rebreathers can be used slightly longer and more efficiently. (50% longer duration) 675
Advanced: Armor, suits, camo, and rebreathers can be used moderately longer and more efficiently. (100% longer duration) 1350
Master: An agent wears suits and armor like a second skin. (300% longer duration) 2250
Untrained: An agent can pick locks. (10% Lockpick)
Trained: The efficiency with which an agent picks locks increases slightly. (25% Lockpick) 1800
Advanced: The efficiency with which an agent picks locks increases moderately. (40% Lockpick) 3600
Master: An agent can defeat almost any mechanical lock. (75% Lockpick) 6000
Untrained: An agent can use medkits. (Heals 30 points)
Trained: An agent can heal slightly more damage and reduce the period of toxic poisoning. (Heals 60 points) 900
Advanced: An agent can heal moderately more damage and further reduce the period of toxic poisoning. (Heals 75 Points) 1800
Master: An agent can perform a heart bypass with household materials. (Heals 90 points) 3000
Untrained: An agent can swim normally. (20 seconds)
Trained: The swimming speed and lung capacity of an agent increases slightly. (30 seconds) 675
Advanced: The swimming speed and lung capacity of an agent increases moderately. (40 seconds) 1350
Master: An agent moves like a dolphin underwater. (50 seconds) 2250
Untrained: An agent can throw grenades, attach them to a surface as a proximity device, or attempt to disarm and remove a previously armed proximity device.
Trained: Grenade accuracy and damage increases slightly, as does the safety margin for disarming proximity devices. (10% damage increase; 5% accuracy increase) 900
Advanced: Grenade accuracy and damage increases moderately, as does the safety margin for disarming proximity devices. (25% damage increase; 12% accuracy increase) 1800
Master: An agent is an expert at all forms of demolition. (50% damage increase; 25% accuracy increase) 3000
Untrained: An agent can use heavy weaponry, but their accuracy is low and movement is difficult.
Trained: Accuracy and damage increases slightly, while reloading and movement is somewhat faster. (10% damage increase; 5% accuracy increase) 1350
Advanced: Accuracy and damage increases moderately, while reloading and movement is even more rapid. (25% damage increase; 12% accuracy increase; speed increase to normal) 2700
Master: An agent is a walking tank when equipped with heavy weaponry. (50% damage increase; 25% accuracy increase; normal speed) 4500
Untrained: An agent can use melee weaponry
Trained: Accuracy, damage, and rate of attack all increase slightly. (10% damage increase; 5% accuracy increase) 1350
Advanced: Accuracy, damage, and rate of attack all increase moderately. (25% damage increase; 12% accuracy increase) 2700
Master: An agent can render most opponents unconscious or dead with a single blow. (50% damage increase; 25% accuracy increase) 4500
Untrained: An agent can use pistols.
Trained: Accuracy and damage increases slightly, while reloading is faster. (10% damage increase; 5% accuracy increase) 1575
Advanced: Accuracy and damage increases moderately, while reloading is even more rapid. (25% damage increase; 12% accuracy increase) 3150
Master: An agent is lethally precise with pistols. (50% damage increase; 25% accuracy increase) 5250
Untrained: An agent can use rifles
Trained: Accuracy and damage increases slightly, while reloading is faster. (10% damage increase; 5% accuracy increase) 1125
Advanced: Accuracy and damage increases moderately, while reloading is even more rapid. (25% damage increase; 12% accuracy increase) 2250
Master: An agent can take down a target a mile away with one shot. (50% damage increase; 25% accuracy increase) 3750
