Interstate '76 Trivia
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Listed below are just a few random anecdotes and trivialities on Interstate '76.
Oddly enough, much like Jade Champion in the opening sequence to Interstate '76, the Interstate series of games died on Interstate '82. (Don't believe me? Watch that opening I '76 movie again. Is that foreshadowing or what?)
At the Activision I '76 Homepage, look on top of the 8-track player. See that book labeled 'Auto-Vigilante's Guide to Multi-melee Combat'? It used to actually go to a page with the I '76 map builder and other multiplayer stories and tips on it.
Originally, there were going to be more hand-held weapons than just the pistol. Also planned were a sawed-off shotgun, grenade launcher, and a Molotov slingshot. You can still see the weapons in the parts catalog.
If you have a copy of Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries, pop it into your computer and check under the avi directory. You'll find an old preview for Interstate '76.
I '76 producer Scott Krager had previously worked on the Bob Newhardt series "Bob" and on "Cheers."