Heavy Gear Links
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Active Links
These sites are still up and running, so check them out.
- Heavy Gear Repack via Reddit - Trying to get the game running? Look here.
- Another Heavy Gear Install Guide - This one isn't mine (this one is), but what works for me doesn't work for everyone. So, if my guide didn't help, try this one.
- Heavy Gear II Post-Mortem at GameDeveloper - Game Developer (formerly Gamasutra) is known for their in-depth coverage of, well... game development... and design. Here Heavy Gear II programmer Clancy Imisland discusses what went right and what went wrong.
- Dream Pod 9 - Creators of the tactical pen-and-paper game upon which the PC games are based
- Punakettu @ Deviant Art - Some of the awesome Gear/mech art found on the site is from here
Archived Links
Here are some sites from the ghost of year's past. They're no longer in existence, but you can revisit them via various online archiving services.
- The Heavy Gear Confluence - This high-quality site covers Heavy Gear II, the tactical game, and the Heavy Gear television show.
- Heavy Gear II Debugging Page - Dan Kegel's FAQ and bug workarounds for Heavy Gear II
- Heavy Gear 2 Online - Perhaps the last place to get your online HGII fix; also has some tips on how to run the game in the modern era
- https://geocities.com/regael69/hgII - Apparently lacking a name, this site attempts to cover what's left of the online Heavy Gear II scene.
Updates: 1/15/25
Prior: 1/29/09