Heavy Gear

Heavy Gear II Requirements

Local Ditch > Heavy Gear > Heavy Gear II Requirements

Hey, it's 2025 (or even later). The hardest part is getting this thing to run on modern systems. That being said, if you've got an old computer hanging around with Windows 95 or 98 on it, and you're wondering to yourself, "Can this run Heavy Gear II?" then check below.

To run Heavy Gear II, you'll need:

  • 3D Hardware Accelerator
  • 166 MHz Pentium processor (233 MHz recommended)
  • A 100% Windows 95/98-compatible computer system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for CD-ROM drive, video card, sound card and input devices)
  • English language Windows 95/98 operating system
  • 64 MB of RAM
  • 450 MB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files, plus 80 MB for the Windows swap file
  • Quad-speed CD-Rom drive
  • 100% Direct X 6.1 or higher compatible sound card
  • 100% Microsoft-compatible mouse and driver
  • 100% Windows 95/98 compatible joystick (optional)
  • CD Audio (Redbook) support

Multiplayer Requirements:

  • Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) supported
  • Internet play requires a 100% Windows 95/98 compatible 28.8 Kbps (or faster) modem

Edits: 1/16/25
Original: 1/26/09